
Certifications and memberships

We take our responsibility as a clothing manufacturer seriously. The certifications and memberships  are your guarantee of ethically sound products and a clear conscience.

 Product certifications

EU Ecolabel

The EU Ecolabel is the official ecolabel of the EU. In the textile industry, the focus is on more sustainable agriculture, energy efficiency, less pollution in the production process and fewer hazardous substances. The Ecolabel is your guarantee that clothing bearing the EU Ecolabel impacts the environment as little as possible. The EU Ecolabel ensures that the clothing does not contain pesticide residues and other environmentally harmful chemicals, that eco-friendly dyes have been used and that waste water is handled responsibly.

Read more here

See EU-Ecolabel style

 Memberships & initiatives

FN's Global Compact

ID® is participating in the Global Compact initiative. At ID® we still want to act responsibly and contribute to a sustainable development. So we are proud of our membership of UN’s Global Compact. It provides us with a basis for working with the internationally acknowledged conventions about: Human rights · Employees’ rights · Environment · Anti corruption

Read more about Global Compact here  |  Read our COP report here

Corporate wear

More than sportswear

Passion for shirts

Made to last

Timeless Corporate Wear

Corporate Wear with a classic
and timeless design, refined
since 1983

Common identity

Clothes that highlight a common
identity and promote a sense
of community

Find your colour

Choose from 60+ colours
there is definitely one
for you

No compromise

Designed to be worn again
and again – keeps its shape
and colour

Report on CSR, cf. Section 99 a" of the Danish Financial Statements Act. BCI cotton ID® Responsibility report 2022/2023. View here
